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WebCRM4 is a collection of online applications that helps business with powerful web-based applications. It automates all your business processes to help and make your business more efficient. It has many products and has been designed and developed to meet requirements of any business. It is fully scalable and can be customized as per business requirements.
WebCRM4 works great for any service-based industry, whether it is B2B or B2C. It is easy to use, and understand, it comes with project management and billing software. If your business supervise employees, manages projects, sells a product or service and handles support tickets for customers then WebCRM4 is a perfect fit.
WebCRM4 is easy to implement in your business and easy use by a non technical employee. It is comprehensive in its scope, modular and flexible, fully secure, scalable and customizable.
Yes you can host WebCRM4 on your own server. WebCRM4 is designed to host on client’s servers.
Yes WebCRM4 will work in your country. As it is a web based application, it can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
Yes. Companies that want to sell market and deliver WebCRM4 products and applications can become our partners. WebCRM4 partner program allows resellers to earn commission on sales of our products according to the WebCRM4 partnership agreement.
Yes, WebCRM4 products and applications support mobile devices.
Your business data is secure with us. All our products and applications are protected with a username and password. As a registered user, you will have all the privileges to add a new user and give permissions to already registered user. You will have full control over your application and can invite users to access the application with their login credentials.
You can secure your confidential data by restricting the permissions to employees. You can change the permissions per user. Unauthorized employees can’t access your application and business data without receiving permissions and login details from you.
WebCRM4 is a web based CRM system. The end user will be able to access all the features of the ERP on any network environment without the need of installing a client part of the application. The strengths of our ERP products are security, scalability, highly customizable, controlling, tracking, high integrity, and monitoring.
Your business will benefit using WebCRM4 by taking over all the routine activities and freeing your employees to deal with other tasks where human intervention is required. It helps to reduce errors by removing human involvement from routine manual tasks. Cutting costs in office materials by eradicating unnecessary paperwork and manual supervision. It also provides up-to-date information on your business by automating business processes, which you can track and analyze in real time.
  • "WebCRM4 is an advanced software application that works as a comprehensive and one stop solution for all your business development needs"
  • "Total business solutions in Information Technology. This application makes the marketing management easy as never before"
  • "This Service is to save your time and ease your procurement process."