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Bulk E-Mail Management
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Bulk E-Mail Management
WebCRM4’s Bulk E-Mail Management application is a powerful tool for bulk email marketing. Mass mailing is one of the most useful strategies for generating leads for your business.
Bulk E-Mail Management
Key Features
1 Send emails to multiple recipients
2 Add / edit customers details to send emails for marketing campaigns
3 Categorize customers as confirmed, interested or not interested
4 Create categories by customer type. Send bulk emails to customer categories separately
5 Email message composing is done with a HTML editor with code access. Preview each email before sending
6 Email message is saved as an email template. Create and customize multiple email templates
7 Send email messages with attachments and embedded images
8 Get message history such as the number of emails sent to a customer. Add comments to customers details
9 Send an instant email to an individual customer
10 Suspend an email template from the application
1 Helps to generate sales leads product publicity and company branding
2 Helps widely disseminate updates and information on your company’s products and services
3 Helps constant customer engagement in your companies promotion activitie
4 Reaches thousands of customers within a short span of time and offers discount via emails
5 Fast and cost effective software for mass mailing and works on any web browser
6 Easy to use and fully customizable and scalable
7 WebCRM4 applications are web-based and accessible anytime and anywhere in the world
  • "WebCRM4 is an advanced software application that works as a comprehensive and one stop solution for all your business development needs"
  • "Total business solutions in Information Technology. This application makes the marketing management easy as never before"
  • "This Service is to save your time and ease your procurement process."